
What America Means to Me.

Sermon Date: 
Oct 13, 2019

This week our service was dedicated to our special guest, Abdi Nor Iftin, He helped us understand the trials he went through in getting his Visa to come to America from Somilia and the life he had there. 



Regarding Henry: Animal Blessing Service

Sermon Date: 
Sep 29, 2019

A wonderful for sharing our beloved animals and solemn vow to always take and love them. The sermon presented by the Reverend Lara K-J Campbell expressed one of the greatest activist for animals of all kinds.

Spaghetti Junction

Sermon Date: 
Sep 22, 2019

The service and sermon led by the Reverend Lara K-J Campbell. To help with the sermon, we added this picture of the spaghetti junction highway.


There is No Planet B

Sermon Date: 
Sep 15, 2019

Let us save this earth because there is no other planet to move to. The Reverend Lara K-J Campbell presents compelling thoughts and actions to save our world. Included is a video by Greta Thunberg full speech at UN Climate Change COP24 Conference.

Under Pressure: Water Gathering Sunday

Sermon Date: 
Sep 8, 2019

This is our first new year program service. The Reverend Lara K-J Campbell led the service and presented the sermon on real life experiences and stress relief. We also added the story for all ages, Dragons and Caves by Emily C. Jones our RE Director. 

A Shout-Out to the Workers!

Sermon Date: 
Sep 1, 2019

Words of wisdom and credit for the workers in this world - payed labor or for the love of it. A great service given by Bruce Childress

Riding the Waves - Hello Fear My Friend

Sermon Date: 
Aug 25, 2019

This morning message presented by Sally Keene related to her experiences ocean waves in relation to spiritual practice of seeing wonder and handling fear in our lives.

Give Them Not Hell

Sermon Date: 
Aug 18, 2019

This service was all about Hell. A variety of songs, a great video from the Devil, Rowan Atkinson, and a transition to a great sermon explaining the title. This service was presented by the Reverend K-J Campbell.

Oh My God/god?

Sermon Date: 
Aug 11, 2019

This service and sermon surveyed where did God originate and what type of gods made what we think today. Paul Beach did a splendid sermon in threading religion's history and culture affects and effects to our behaviors. 
