Church Service for Sunday, February 16 has been moved online!
Please join us on Zoom.

Outside circle gathering to honor the children

Our Mission Goes Beyond Sunday

A typical week at First Parish begins on Sunday and keeps on going. Spiritual, social justice, and community activities and events take place throughout the year. All are welcome to attend or sign up for meetings and events. A visitor may come across a meditation group, social justice meeting, Thai Chi, painting class, AA meeting, rummage sale, festival -- the list goes on.

If you’d like to attend or sample one of these groups, please contact the facilitator who is named or contact the church administrator to request an invitation. Most meet in person, but some meet on Zoom.

Major protest for Black Lives Matter

Our commitment to social justice and equality.

 Chalice painting by Shari MacFarlane

We live our passion to serve through

Celebrating four youth's bridging into adulthood from a UU standpoint

Our minister is available to administer a number of celebrations, like weddings, memorials, and child dedications.