Church Service for Sunday, February 16 has been moved online!
Please join us on Zoom.

We are Structured for Leadership

Each Unitarian Universalist parish is self-governing, and committed to democratic principles. We follow approved strategies and procedures attached at the bottom of this page, and our church consists of leadership roles in the following committees:

Governing Structure:

  • The Board of Directors is the main governing body of First Parish, and it consists of five to seven members including the Treasurer and the Clerk. Members are elected by the congregation at its Annual Meeting. The minister serves ex-officio
  • The Leadership Forum is a body of representatives from the Board, Standing Committees, and event leaders. We meet three times a year to update each other on goals and successes, and identify ways to collaborate on future activities.
  • The Committee on Ministry clarifies the total ministry of the church. It acts as counsel for the minister and promotes communication among the minister, the staff, and congregation members. Consisting of at least three, members are chosen jointly by the minister and the Board of Directors.
  • The Nominating Committee presents to the congregation a slate of qualified candidates willing to serve in various positions of church leadership. Members are elected at the Annual Meeting.
  • The Personnel Committee develops and recommends policies regarding employment of staff to the Board of Directors. Members are appointed by the Board of Directors.
living the mission of the church

In addition to the above fundamental groups, there are a number of standing committees which further serve First Parish's mission, vision, and values:

  • The Worship Committee works with the minister to promote the consistency and quality of the Sunday morning worship experience at First Parish. Members organize and oversee lay Sunday presentations, including the summer services, and recruit ushers.
  • The Religious Education Committee oversees programs and special events for children and youth to ensure that they promote spiritual development, religious growth, learning, and a sense of community. Three experienced volunteers have developed a new program and are working with several young children in the wake of the pandemic.
  • The Social Justice Committee fosters awareness of social and environmental issues within the congregation and the greater Kennebunk communities sponsoring educational programs and actions. 
  • The Membership Committee ensures the nurturing and maintenance of members and friends of the Church and reaches out to visitors and the public. Membership managers Greeters and Coffee Hour after the Sunday service, and helps the minister with new UU sessions and New Member Sunday.
  • The Music Committee promotes a high-quality, spiritually enriching music program at First Parish. It acts as liaison among the congregation, choir, Music Director, and the Board of Directors.
  • The Properties Committee oversees maintenance of the interior and exterior of the church buildings, grounds, and electrical, heating, plumbing, and safety systems. Maintenance of the church's historic furnishings, library, and fine art objects may are within the purview of the Arts and Improvements Subcommittee.
  • The Finance Committee drafts the annual budget in consultation with committees and organizations within the church. It is responsible for management of the church's financial resources, including the endowment, and recommends changes to the Board.

Strategy and Procedures

We govern ourselves through formal approved documents to clearly identify our mission. These documents are regularly reviewed and updated as the climate and mission changes. They are: