

Sermon Date: 
May 31, 2020

This service was led by the Reverend Lara K-J Campbell and the RE Director, Emily C. Jones and assisted by some of the RE students presenting lockdown Covid-19 home projects. The were presented as videos as follows in the order presented:

Memories and Memoribilia

Sermon Date: 
May 24, 2020

This memorial day weekend was spiritually led by Sara Lown, daughter of our own member Bob Lown. Sara was introduced by her father before we get to hear her homily. A true dad. 

Introduction to UUA Wellspring Program

Sermon Date: 
May 17, 2020

The wellspring program has been an experiment in the past year. This service was an introduction and encouraging word to the congregation to think about engaging next program season in a formal program being introduced. The reverend Lara K-J Campbell introduced the program, and with slight pauses in the audio Margaret Jones and Amy Wood reflected on what this experiment year meant to them spiritually.

I Still Show Up!

Sermon Date: 
May 10, 2020

This service honors Mothers everywhere. The reverend Lara K-J Campbell provided the service tone and reflection. 

The Creative Connection

Sermon Date: 
May 3, 2020

This service was presented by representatives of the Women for All Seasons. Susie Desantis was the service associate and Nikki Starcat Shields gave the reflection. Nikki also allowed us to link her recorded drumming, Trianglular played by the Feline Drummers


Sermon Date: 
Apr 26, 2020

This online service and sermon was presented by worship associates and the Reverend Lara K-J Campbell. 

A Place to Begin

Sermon Date: 
Apr 19, 2020

Once again we had a wonderful service and sermon from the reverend Lara K-J Campbell. 

Connected and Protected

Sermon Date: 
Mar 29, 2020

This service was presented by the Reverend lara K-J Campbell online with the technical help of Chris Wells. Join us live and experience a new way of connecting. 

Creating Community in a Time of Social Distancing

Sermon Date: 
Mar 15, 2020

Todays service was presented online via a Zoom application and the sermon, presented by the Reverend Lara K-J Campbell, was recorded in video format and uploaded on our Facebook page. Here is the direct connection to this sermon.

I Couldn't Care Less!

Sermon Date: 
Mar 8, 2020

This service and sermon was led by our guest minister, Reverend Daniel Lillie. Dan Lillie is a Unitarian Universalist minister from Albuquerque, New Mexico. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Iliff School of Theology in 2017 and has spent the last three years serving First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque, first as their Ministerial Intern, and then as their Ministerial Resident. Dan and his wife Emily just welcomed their first child, Natalie, to the world on February 5. The last few weeks have been a crash course in learning how to be parents.
