
How Not to be a Boy

Sermon Date: 
Mar 17, 2019

This service and sermon was led by our sabbatical minister, the Reverend Kimberly DeBus. It was a moving and eye opening sermon. The sermon ended with a very appropriate song "I Cant Keep Quiet" produced by MILCK (Connie K. Lim) and can be reached with the hashtag #cantkeepquiet on Twitter, or by viewing her YouTube video performed at the Women's March on Washington.

Welcome New Mainers

Sermon Date: 
Mar 3, 2019

This set of reflections is based on the theme Welcoming New Mainers presented by the Social Justice Committee and guests. Guests are introduced in the audio above. 

The Habits of the Heart

Sermon Date: 
Feb 24, 2019

This is our Sabbatical Minister's second service with us and her sermon gives us things to ponder. She is also following up on this topic with a three session class during the next few months. 

Eat More Pie

Sermon Date: 
Feb 17, 2019

We welcome and are honored this Sunday with the first of many services/sermons from the Reverend Kimberly DeBus. She is our Sabbatical Minister while our Reverend Lara K-J Campbell is on well deserved leave for three months. Please listen to Rev. Kimberly's inspiring sermon. 

Underground Beginnings!

Sermon Date: 
Feb 3, 2019

As this is this is the last sermon before the Reverend Lara K-J Campbell leaves for her sabbatical adventure for 14 weeks, she shares what goals she has challenged herself and the congregants. 

A Call to Creative Maladjustment!

Sermon Date: 
Jan 27, 2019

This is a one-week delayed sermon focused on MLK Jr. aspirations and a challenge for the congregation. The sermon was presented by the Reverend Lara K-J Campbell. 

MLK Jr. Breakfast & Program: The Nature of the Arc

Sermon Date: 
Jan 21, 2019

The Rev. Jeffrey M. McIlwain, Pastor of the North Star AME Zion Church, Newington, NH, and Chaplain of the Cumberland County Jail, gave the keynote talk at this year’s breakfast honoring the Reverend, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. During his talk, Rev. McIlwain drew on his 22 years of experience at the jail and his concerns about injustice. The audience will also hear him play bass and sing with the North Star Gospel Jazz Ensemble.

Thirty Days of Love

Sermon Date: 
Jan 13, 2019

The service and sermon was given by the Reverend K-J Campbell.

I Love a Good Mystery!

Sermon Date: 
Jan 6, 2019

This service and sermon was presented by our Board of Director, Amy Wood. 
