Church Service for Sunday, February 16 has been moved online!
Please join us on Zoom.

Meeting Virtually

Here, you will find all the of the technical resources you might need to to participate in our community virtually should you need or want to.

Sunday Worship Service

To participate in the online worship service, we are using a technology called Zoom, which is online ("cloud-based") videoconferencing software. 

Joining the Service

There are three ways to join the service:

  • From your phone or tablet, by downloading the zoom app. [Apple iOS] [Android]
  • From a laptop or desktop computer [download]
  • By telephone (audio only)

You should have the software downloaded and installed on your device before the service starts.

Our services will be available at this URL, just click to join the service!

If you need or would like to call in, the phone number is 929 205 6099 and you will be asked to enter the "meeting ID" and password when you call in. That ID number is 734 887 010 and the password is 024481.

Audio & Video

For Sunday services, people who join the service will be automatically muted so as not to interrupt the presentation. However, to hear the service you must configure the sound on your device. On tablets and phones, this is easy - your only option are the speakers on the device or the headphones you plug in or connect wirelessly. On a handheld device, your front-facing camera may turn on automatically and show you to everyone! If you would prefer to not be present in that way, you should select "Mute Video" from the 

On desktops, it can be a bit tricky. What I always advise is setting your sound options in the system settings ("Control Panel" on Windows, and "System Preferences" on a Mac) to set the speakers and microphone you want to use. Additionally, make sure to set your microphone, speakers, and webcam preferences appropriately, using the icons in the lower left of the screen.

For more information about Zoom, check out their help center. In particular,  the first three one-minute tutorials are worthwhile, as are the first two topics from the button list ("Getting Started" and "Audio, Video, Sharing").

Zoom interface with highlights of audio controls
The audio and video controls appear in the lower left.

For Committees and Groups

Should you decide to, we have resources available to help you get set up for a successful online meeting. Please contact Hervé Lavoie or Chris Wells from the directory for technical assistance.

There are three main services which can help you:

  • Zoom - the same service used for the Sunday Services. There is a paid account available to host the meetings with. This is the recommended method for hosting virtual meetings. Supports mobile devices, laptops/desktops, and call-in.
  • Google Meet - a free service from Google for online videoconferencing. Supports mobile devices, laptops/desktops, and call-in.
  • Uberconference - another free service which is simple to use, with excellent call-in support and screen sharing. May be the best option to have a traditional "conference call" but get some extra features.

All things considered, all three of these services have nearly identical features. A lot of it comes down to your level of comfort with the user interfaces of each. We encourage you to try out and get comfortable with one, or try them all to see which you prefer the most. NOTE: The church has a paid Zoom account which will let your church-related group/committee host meetings without any of the free account limitations (ex.g. 40-minute meetings of more than 2 people). Please contact the church administrator at to get set up.

Test Calls / Getting Help

If you need help with Zoom, we have designated "Zoom Ushers" who can help you get set up so you can get into our virtual Sunday Services.

The following people are our designated Zoom Ushers:

  • Chris Wells
  • Hervé Lavoie
  • Jaylene Summers

If you would like to schedule a demonstration or a test call to get set up with your audio and video in advance, please contact an usher above or Rev. Lara. We are here to help!