Upcoming Church Events!

Board of Directors (P)
Feb 20, 2047 05:30pm
Feb 26, 2047 05:15pm

 Sally Keene

https://zoom.us/j/771430575?pwd=cXNPSlB2NGgvUkpxRGQ5TUxYeGZ0Zz09 :

One tap mobile  +19294362866,,771430575# US (New York) 

Dial by your location  +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 771 430 575 ; Password: 008437 

Men's "Open" Group (P)
Feb 26, 2047 06:30pm
Jim Thompson
Sangha Weekly, (CH,S)
Mar 5, 2047 05:15pm

Sally Keene

https://zoom.us/j/771430575?pwd=cXNPSlB2NGgvUkpxRGQ5TUxYeGZ0Zz09 :

One tap mobile  +19294362866,,771430575# US (New York) 

Dial by your location  +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 771 430 575 ; Password: 008437 

Properties Committee (L)
Mar 5, 2047 07:00pm
Wednesday Evening Discussion Group ONLINE
Mar 6, 2047 07:00pm
Ruth Stackpole
Finance Committee - ONLINE
Mar 11, 2047 07:00pm
Call Hervé for Zoom link.
Mar 12, 2047 05:15pm

 Sally Keene

https://zoom.us/j/771430575?pwd=cXNPSlB2NGgvUkpxRGQ5TUxYeGZ0Zz09 :

One tap mobile  +19294362866,,771430575# US (New York) 

Dial by your location  +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 771 430 575 ; Password: 008437 

Sangha (CH,S)
Mar 19, 2047 05:15pm

Sally Keene 

https://zoom.us/j/771430575?pwd=cXNPSlB2NGgvUkpxRGQ5TUxYeGZ0Zz09 :

One tap mobile  +19294362866,,771430575# US (New York) 

Dial by your location  +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 771 430 575 ; Password: 008437 

Board of Directors (P)
Mar 20, 2047 05:30pm
Mar 26, 2047 05:15pm

 Sally Keene

https://zoom.us/j/771430575?pwd=cXNPSlB2NGgvUkpxRGQ5TUxYeGZ0Zz09 :

One tap mobile  +19294362866,,771430575# US (New York) 

Dial by your location  +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 771 430 575 ; Password: 008437 

Men's "Open" Group (P)
Mar 26, 2047 06:30pm
Jim Thompson
Sangha Weekly, (CH,S)
Apr 2, 2047 05:15pm

Sally Keene

https://zoom.us/j/771430575?pwd=cXNPSlB2NGgvUkpxRGQ5TUxYeGZ0Zz09 :

One tap mobile  +19294362866,,771430575# US (New York) 

Dial by your location  +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)  Meeting ID: 771 430 575 ; Password: 008437 

Properties Committee (L)
Apr 2, 2047 07:00pm
Wednesday Evening Discussion Group ONLINE
Apr 3, 2047 07:00pm
Ruth Stackpole
